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Industry Trends: Mobile Games in Taiwan - March 2021

We look into the latest study of game-market growth in Taiwan and see how the players' behavior has changed.
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Industry Trends: The Impact of COVID-19 in Taiwan - March 2021

We looked into how Taiwanese expect the COVID-19 outbreak to unfold and their opinions on several economic issues in March 2021.
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Industry Trends: Online Game Market in Taiwan - January 2021

In this article, we deep dive into the growth of the online game market and the business opportunities of devices, advergames, and in-game advertising.
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Industry Trends: The Video Game Industry in Taiwan - January 2021

The Covid-19 epidemic has brought new opportunities to the video game industry. How do Taiwanese gamers consume at this moment?
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Industry Trends: The Impact of COVID-19 in Taiwan - December 2020

We looked into how Taiwanese expect the COVID-19 outbreak to unfold and their opinions on several economic issues in December 2020.
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Industry Trends: Skincare Routines in Taiwan - December 2020

According to the latest survey, female consumers in Taiwan are less interested in purchasing skin care products in December.
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Industry Trends: Financial Habits in Taiwan - November 2020

In this article, you will find out how Taiwanese people manage their private wealth under a series of big changes caused by COVID-19.
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Industry Trends: The Impact of COVID-19 in Taiwan - November 2020

We looked into how Taiwanese expect the COVID-19 outbreak to unfold and their opinions on several economic issues in November 2020.
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Industry Trends: Female Spending Behavior in Taiwan - October 2020

We deep-dived into how female consumers in Taiwan allocate their budgets for the upcoming annual big sale.
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Industry Trends: Beauty & Skincare Market in Taiwan - October 2020

We looked into how Taiwanese female consumers would shop for beauty products in this “autumn of consumption”?
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Industry Trends: The Impact of 5G Technology in Taiwan - September 2020

We looked into how the COVID-19 outbreak will affect the soon-to-be launched products with 5G technology in Taiwan.
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Industry Trends: Tourism Market in Taiwan - July 2020

Taiwan’s tourism prepares for the next hype as COVID-19 under control and stimulus voucher launched.