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Industry Trends: Taiwanese Internet Users' Investment Trends - October 2023

Mobile devices and online media have emerged as the primary channels for Taiwanese internet users to access investment information.
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Industry Trends: Revival of Overseas Travel Demand in Japan - September 2023

A recent study in Japan shows an intriguing trend in which a younger generation is spearheading the resurgence of overseas travel.
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Industry Trends: Japanese Internet Users' Financial Habits Uncovered - September 2023

Amid the fluctuations of the post-pandemic world, Japanese internet users continue to show resilient financial behaviors.
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Industry Trends: Japanese Travel Demand in the Post-COVID Era - August 2023

The latest study in Japan revealed that domestic travel fervor continues to grow, whereas enthusiasm for overseas travel is tempered.
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Industry Trends: Deciphering Post-COVID Japan - August 2023

Despite Japan's gradual shift towards the resumption of societal activities, the fear of the covid-19 still lingers, and the number of new cases continues to rise.
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Industry Trends: Current Status and Strategies of Podcast Markets in Taiwan and Japan - October 2023

The current survey indicates that Taiwan's podcast market is more mature compared to Japan, with creators having a larger potential audience base.
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Industry Trends: Understanding Consumer Strategies and Payment Preferences - September 2023

As we confront the dynamism and transformations in Taiwan's e-commerce market, the evolution of online shopping behaviors becomes the focal point.
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Industry Trends: Generative AI May Help Alleviate Japan’s Labor Shortage - August 2023

Generative AI may help alleviate Japan’s labor shortage and aging population problems but more fostering is needed. Read more.
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Industry Trends: Taiwanese Tourism Trends - August 2023

In the post-COVID era, safety, weather, and food have emerged as the key drivers of travel decisions in Taiwan, reflecting the evolving priorities.
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Industry Trends: Japanese Consumer Travel Behavior in Post-Pandemic Era - July 2023

Our survey revealed that the economic factors in Japan now weigh more heavily on the minds of would-be travelers than the fear of the virus.
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Industry Trends: Japanese Internet Users' Perspective on the Post-COVID Era - July 2023

Japan has been experiencing a gradual increase in the number of new covid-19 patients. We deep dive into consumers' perspectives in the post-COVID era.
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Industry Trends: Decoding AI Adoption in Taiwan - August 2023

This survey reveals the perceptions, concerns, and hopes of Taiwanese internet users regarding AI, offering valuable insights for decision-makers across various sectors in the post-COVID era.