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September 7, 2023

Survey Report: Impact of COVID-19 in Taiwan - March 2022


The percentage of people who believe the COVID situation in the coming year is getting better has dropped to 29%, while those believing it's getting worse has gone up to 33%. We assume such sentiment changes can be attributed to the outbreak of Omicron variant at the end of November 2021 and the recent spike of COVID-19 infections in HK and Shanghai; therefore Taiwanese are showing less confidence.


Key findings

    • 30% of internet users are cutting down their budget for the next month. Luxury goods is the category with the most budget cut. More than 40% of the respondents plan to spend less on it.

    • 40% have increased their budget for medicine/health supplements and 30% plan to spend more on packaged foods and dining/entertainment.

    • For Taiwanese internet users aged 16-60, More than 90% have been vaccinated with the 1st and 2nd dose, and more than 60% have received 3 shots.



Since the perceived level of severity has lowered, more people are willing to spend more on dining/entertainment. Therefore, we suggest businesses in dining/entertainment launch special offers to make effective use of the sentiment.



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Download the report here!



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