December 4, 2023
Mobile devices and online media have emerged as the primary channels for Taiwanese internet users to access investment information, with a trend towards conservative investment. These users prioritize return on investment, favor stocks and insurance, and aim for life quality improvement and wealth accumulation. However, when looking towards future investments, particularly among the younger demographic, there is a noticeable inclination towards caution and prudence.
This analysis is based on an online survey conducted by Engagement Lab from October 13th to 17th 2023. The survey collected data from 970 Taiwan internet users aged between 16 and 60, with the aim of providing insights for business decision-makers on consumer perspectives in the post-COVID era.
The survey found out that a majority of internet users in Taiwan, as high as 85.8%, are primarily using mobile devices to access investment and financial news. Following mobile devices, computers were used by 36.3% of the respondents, while 24.4% relied on TV and 13.8% used tablets.
Social media stood out as the most popular source of investment news with 54% of users utilizing it. 50.7% of the respondents accessed online news and blogs for financial information. Notably, the survey found a declining trend in the use of social media with age, whereas online news and blogs saw an increase.
In terms of investment style, 62.7% of Taiwan's internet users self-identified as conservative investors, while only 12.6% viewed themselves as high-risk investors. Furthermore, a sizable 24.5% of internet users admitted to having no clear investment strategy.
When asked about their primary investment goals, the majority of the respondents chose wealth accumulation (53.3%) and improving life quality (49.4%). Among different age groups, users aged between 41 to 60 placed more importance on retirement security and financial safety.
Among the important factors when making investment decisions, return on investment tops the list with 72.7% of internet users giving it priority. This was followed by risk tolerance (68.8%) and asset diversification (67.9%). Both investment period (59.3%) and liquidity (58.8%), though ranked lower, were still considered important by more than half of the respondents.
In terms of actual investments, stocks (52.9%) and insurance (45.3%) appear to be the most popular choices. Nearly half (45.8%) of the respondents invest less than 20% of their income.
Looking ahead, respondents were most optimistic about the future performance of stocks (34.5%) and funds (30.4%). However, there is still a certain level of disagreement with over 13% expressing pessimistic views.
For the next three months, the most considered investment choice appears to be stocks, including ETFs, with 42.1% of respondents giving it thought. Older internet users (51-60 years old) showed a higher inclination towards stock investment, with 54.9% considering it. In contrast, younger users (16-30 years old) showed a preference for foreign currency investments.
Interestingly, nearly a quarter of the respondents stated that they have no immediate investment plans. This sentiment was most prevalent among the younger demographic (16-30 years old) at 29.8%, indicating a more cautious approach to investment. Engagement Lab will continue to track the Investment & Money management of the Taiwan public and update survey data, monitoring market trends and changes in consumer demand.
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