July 10, 2024

Industry Trends: Essential Goods Retailers Industry through the Eyes of Taiwanese Consumers


Taiwan FMCG - Nov 2023



This analysis is based on an online survey conducted by the Z.com Engagement Lab from November 20th to 30th, 2023. The survey collected data from 1,495 Taiwan internet users aged over 15, with the aim of providing insights for business decision-makers on consumer perspectives in the post-COVID era.


Industry Direction Index of Essential Goods Retailer

When asked whether they believed that Taiwan's Essential Goods Retailer would move in the right direction in the next 12 months, the respondents gave an average score of 71.77 out of 100. Interestingly, the scores correlated positively with the age of the respondents, indicating that older groups are more optimistic about the future of essential commodity retailers.


Chart 1


On the question of the importance of significant changes in the Essential Goods Retailer industry over the next 12 months, respondents gave an overall score of 71.63, signaling a moderate desire for industry change. This voice for change was most pronounced among respondents over 40 years old, whose scores exceeded the overall average.


Chart 2


When asked about their attitudes towards increasing or decreasing government control in the Essential Goods Retailer industry, respondents gave an average score of 57.56. This score indicates a neutral attitude towards regulatory intervention, suggesting that Taiwanese internet users are generally satisfied with the current market conditions and do not see a need for additional government intervention.


Chart 3


Future Consumption Index of Essential Goods Retailer

When asked about their budget for essential commodities in the next 12 months, respondents gave an average score of 67.96, indicating a slight expected increase in the budget for essential commodities.


Chart 4


Annual Word for Essential Goods Retailer Industry

Most respondents identified "Carrefour," a prominent retail brand, when asked to recall a keyword related to the Essential Goods Retailer industry over the past twelve months.


Chart 5


Preferences and Key Elements in Purchase Decisions

Approximately 60% of respondents obtain information about Essential Goods Retailer through online media, while 30% still rely on offline media, including physical locations and print publications. Additionally, the survey reveals that Taiwanese internet users prefer local retailers, but among foreign enterprises, Japanese firms are highly recommended, scoring 20. Chinese firms received the lowest recommendation score of -62.


Chart 6

Chart 7


When asked about the three most important factors in choosing Essential Goods Retailer, the top selections were "cost performance" (63%), "practicality" (55%), and "brand reputation" (48%).


Chart 8





Z.com Engagement Lab will continue to track the Essential Goods Retailer Industry among the Taiwan netizens and update survey data, monitoring market trends and changes in consumer demand.



Research by: Z.com Engagement Lab
Survey Date: November 20 to 30, 2023
Methodology: Online survey
Target Group: Taiwan internet users aged over 15
Sample Size: 1,495
Editor: TNL Research
Review by: Tatt Chen

* Contents in this report were drafted with input from generative.ai