July 10, 2024

Industry Trends: Unveiling Japan's Essential Goods Retailers Industry Outlook


Japan Essential Goods Retailers - Dec 2023



The future of the essential goods retailers industry is one of transformation, influenced by consumer demand, regulatory perspectives, and shifting market dynamics. Uncovering key insights into consumer outlook, industry change, government regulation, future consumption trends, information channels, preferences, and purchase drivers, the Z.com Engagement Lab's latest research provides a nuanced perspective on the sector's trajectory. As we navigate this evolving landscape, the central focus remains on delivering value for money, product functionality, and quality service while fostering an environment conducive to innovation and growth.


Consumer Outlook on Essential Goods Retailers Development

According to the Z.com Engagement Lab’s latest Research. The survey reveals a nuanced perspective on the Essential Goods Retailers industry's future development, with an overall index score of 55.69 out of 100. This score inversely correlates with age, suggesting that older demographics are less optimistic about the industry's trajectory. The younger the respondent, the more positive their outlook, indicating a generational divide in expectations for the sector's growth and adaptability.


Chart 1


Demand for Industry Transformation

With an overall transformation index of 63.99, the data indicates a significant desire among consumers for major changes within the Essential Goods Retailers sector. Notably, this demand is most pronounced among the 40 to 59 age group, whose scores exceed the overall average. This demographic's push for innovation and reform underscores a critical shift towards more sustainable, efficient, and consumer-friendly practices.


Chart 2


Government Regulation: A Balancing Act

The attitude towards government control in the Essential Goods Retailers industry is another critical area of the survey, scoring an overall index of 62.20. This suggests a moderate preference for reduced regulatory intervention, particularly among the 40 to 49 age bracket. Such findings highlight a complex landscape where regulatory frameworks must balance protecting consumer interests while fostering an environment conducive to innovation and growth.


Chart 3


Future Consumption Trends

When it comes to future spending within the Essential Goods Retailers sector, the overall consumer index stands at 52.43, indicating a relatively stable budget allocation towards these goods. However, the younger generation (15-29 age group) shows a propensity to increase their Essential Goods Retailers budget, suggesting a potential shift in market dynamics as these consumers gain purchasing power.


Chart 4


Information Channels and Preferences

The survey also sheds light on how Japanese consumers gather information on Essential Goods Retailers, with nearly 50% relying on internet devices, followed by 32% using offline mediums. This blend of digital and traditional sources underscores the importance of a multi-channel approach for Essential Goods Retailers brands looking to engage their audience effectively.


Chart 5


Moreover, when it comes to product loyalty, Japanese consumers show a strong preference for domestic Essential Goods Retailers products, with a recommendation score of -26, highlighting a nationalistic trend in consumption habits. Interestingly, among imported goods, American products lead the preference chart, followed by German and Taiwanese products, with Chinese goods ranking lowest.


Chart 6


Key Purchase Drivers

Finally, the survey identifies cost performance, ease of use, and customer service experience as the top three factors influencing Essential Goods Retailers purchase decisions, emphasizing the importance of value for money, product functionality, and quality of service in driving consumer choice.


Chart 7






Z.com Engagement Lab will continue to monitor the attitudes of Japanese consumers towards the fast-moving consumer goods industry in Japan and update survey data, tracking market trends and changes in consumer demands.



Research by: Z.com Engagement Lab
Survey Date: December 18th to 23rd, 2023
Methodology: Online survey
Target Group: Japan internet users aged above 15 years old
Sample Size: 1,149
Editor: TNL Research
Review by: Tatt Chen

* Contents in this report were drafted with input from generative.ai